Sunday 7 October 2007

i analysed a scene from the DVD but couldn't find it on youtube so when i do i will post it up but her is the analysis.

Analysis of the street violence scene.
This scene is set in a dark rough area, it is dark because of the time of day but this makes the scene more realistic. Streetlights are used, this creates shadow and a more dramatic scene building up tension and allowing the audience infer that some sort of danger is going to happen. The characters (male teenage boys) are dressed in hoodies and caps represented as thugs. They are all standing in a gang. The language they are using is socially unaccepted swearing is used the term ‘nigga’ is referred to a lot. The boys use slang as a way of communicating with each other words like ‘holla’ are used. Mr cruz walks in a dominant confident trying to intimidate other gangs to show how powerful he is. A fight is caused between the boys and another gang there is a lot of violence hitting and pushing a close up of a gun is shown this shows this is done because that is the cause of the problems the disruption and there are issues in society about guns. Gunshots are fired and someone is shot we see Cruz running towards the injured person we hear he is out of breath and orchestral music is being played representing how dramatic and serious this scene is. Sound that is used is gunshots and panicking voices a lot of shouting and mr Cruz is shouting in Spanish. There are a lot of sirens in the background.

1 comment:

Miss Jones said...

Some good, detailed analysis here, and you're up to date with your blog tasks. You could have been more adventurous with your media dictionary words, though. Ten more? Try to find a way to use terminology that you wouldn't usually use - this will take your research in new directions.