Sunday, 30 September 2007


kunals blog:

jagjeets blog:

neelemas blog

neemas blog

poojas blog


Lamia said...

what went well:
good analysis of each key concept, and there is also really good research expalining your topic.

even better if:
you can include some related texts, and some comments about the extracts.

Pooja said...

What went well:Really good answers on each key concept, which shows in depth analysis. And also loads of facts and background info

Could improve by getting some other essays or looking into what theorists you could talk about

Anonymous said...

yes yes yes wag111

what went well:
you got a wicked analysis and alot of research man, im suprised because when i tried looking for reps of black youths i couldnt find much so ill be looking into it abit more:)

what could be better is if you used more pictures and videos:) make it abit livley and full of info as well as entertainment.